Who Built This ?


Hi! Is me. 😂 😆 😝


Seriously. I'm an Indiana based software engineer and entrepreneur. I've been at this **forever** -- I founded my first company in 1987 to make hypertext linking tools -- NTERGAID, a suite of products including Black Magic, Help System/2 and HyperWriter (the thing that finally became successful). Since then I've:



Fundamentally though, I'm a maker. I like creating things whether it is The Air Rake (don't ask), Cartazzi or something else. Deep down I believe that making products makes the world better and I'm going to create products whether or not the world deems them "successful". Steve Wozniak once said that you make products for the market of one -- yourself. All of the best things that I make are things that I want.


Ever want to talk startup stuff? I'm around whether it is email fuzzygroup @ gmail or phone 317 531 4853. You can always just reach out.